Wednesday, August 18, 2010

What's your favourite cleanser especially for acne/blemish prone skin?

been using proactive but felt like changing to other brands.What's your favourite cleanser especially for acne/blemish prone skin?
I use Spectro Gel cleanser for sensitive, problem prone skin. Some other good ones are Clean %26amp; Clear Foaming Facial Cleanser for Sensitive Skin or Neutrogena Fresh Foaming Cleanser The important thing is to use a gentle cleanser. Cleanser isn't going to clear up your acne, even if it contains salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide because it is in contact with your face for such a short time. Make sure you don't get a cleanser with menthol or citrus (or anything else that makes your skin tingle) because it will just cause needless irritation and has no benefit for skin. I highly recommend you try Neutrogena Oil-Free Acne Stress Control 3-in-1 Hydrating Acne Treatment which is a moisturizing gel with 2% salicylic acid during the day and Oxy Lotion Vanishing Acne Medication which has 5% benzoyl peroxide at night.What's your favourite cleanser especially for acne/blemish prone skin?
This stuff seriously works.

After like, 5 uses, all of my zits were gone.

Clean and Clear Advantage

It's the eight hour kind.
St.Ives and Clearasil is on my top list... :D
i use st. Ives.
Good ol' Clearasil. I'm in my twenties and still use it!

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