Wednesday, August 18, 2010

What is a good facial cleanser to use for very dry acne prone skin? Pro Active has only dried out my skin.?

My skin gets so dry in the Winter, so I need something moisturizing, but at the same time, I don't want any breakouts!What is a good facial cleanser to use for very dry acne prone skin? Pro Active has only dried out my skin.?
I have the same skin condition. Believe it or not the best facial cleanser I have found that works is made by St. Ives. Clear Pore Cleanser with Tea tree oil. Also you can try buying micro fiber cleansing clothes. They remove the dirt and oil without using a product that is usually full of drying agents. If your skin is still really dry you can buy pure Tea Tree Oil and wipe your face down at night. As tea tree oil is a natural antiseptic it cleans your skin effectively and has no drying chemicals in it. If all else fails ask your doctor for CLINDETTE wipes. You can only get these by Rx, not to pricy and work really well, controls the acne and doesn't dry out the skin. Good luck.What is a good facial cleanser to use for very dry acne prone skin? Pro Active has only dried out my skin.?
Pick a gentle cleanser, and touch up the individual spots with acne medicine. I like the Aveeno line of cleanser, moistuizer and blemish cream.
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