Monday, August 23, 2010

What are some good facial cleansers for acne-prone oily skin? ?

Please mention a specific one you've used and not just the brand name as they have many range. Thanks a lot.What are some good facial cleansers for acne-prone oily skin? ?
Any of the Neutrogena blemish/acne washes are pretty good. They are oil-free and mild (usually 2.5% Salicylic Acid). If you have tried that brand and didn't like it, and don't really have an acne problem but rather just oily skin and acne-prone, try Murad's Clarifying Cleanser. It is anti-bacterial, deep cleansing, and great for combination to oily skin. If you go this route, I would recommend doing a complete kit from them (it really works best that way to control oil and prevent and treat breakouts). They have a 30-day size kit called Murad Acne Complex. You can find it on, sephora, are some good facial cleansers for acne-prone oily skin? ?
I don't know what country you are from but in my country there is a very good brand called Ree-Bonn which controls the moisture and balances the dryness. Another brand which i would recommend if Ree-Bonn isnt available in your country is Garnier. But you should be happy to have oily skin because people with oily skin will not get wrinkles as soon as dry skinned people. Avoid touching your pimples.
i use the cheap St. Ives Apricot Scrub blemish and blackhead control. it makes my skin feel really clean and it works, because i rarely breakout. rarely.
umm my friend once said she uses lemon juice on her face just before going to be and washes off in the morning %26amp; she swears by you could give them a go?

good luckiooo X
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