Monday, August 23, 2010

Has anyone used any neutrogena products for oily or acne prone skin?

does this work well? i'm debating between this and clean and clear.Has anyone used any neutrogena products for oily or acne prone skin?
I have they always work!Has anyone used any neutrogena products for oily or acne prone skin?
Yes! Their face soap is really nice and works for me.
yea it work,my friend went to demetolidst and they recemendeed it (srri for spelling)
I've used both. I like Neutrogena very much. Clean %26amp; clear is a bit stronger, and a bit rough on my skin, makes it burn. There is at some malls, an actual neutrogena booth and they tell you exactly what products to use for your skin type.

I used to use Lancome, and I switched, cause I liked how easy it was to use, for a lesser price. Definately buy the moisturizing sunblock, very helpful!
My sister and I both have used the oil-free moisturizer for a year and it is very good and doesn't break out your skin. Sorry have'nt used any of the other products.

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