Monday, August 23, 2010

Whats a good cover up for acne prone skin?

make up cover up.

one that won't make me break out more!

whats a good brand to use, ex: Mac....

Whats a good cover up for acne prone skin?
try neutragena.what you do is..apply to where you need more coverage wait two to three minutes than blend it.. it works. is kinda like a concealer over that you can also use studio fix mac face-powder.try it you'll like it..

Whats a good cover up for acne prone skin?
true blend - covergirl

best cover up i've ever used.

it doesn't come off easily but yet its liquid

so when you sweat - don't wipe off your face. haha.

it also comes with a powder that makes you look tan and has sparkles in it.

I know Proactiv has a line of cosmetics that supposedly not only don't make you break out but prevent/reduce acne. Maybe try that?

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