Monday, July 26, 2010

What's the difference between spot-prone skin and acne?

Plus any tips or products about how to clear up my spots?What's the difference between spot-prone skin and acne?
acne is little sopts everywhere, face, sholders ect

spot prone is what i have, where you only get just a few but they bigger and they dont go anywhere else, only face and they go in a week

acne last longer

go to the doctors, dont use the brads you see on TV they make it worst

1st hand experience at this.What's the difference between spot-prone skin and acne?
Acne is the technical term. Wash your face a lot and use a facial scrub
Depends how many spots you have. I'm not sure at what point spot prone skin becomes classified as acne, I think it may be when it starts scaring.

If spots are bothering you be it acne or spot prone skin, go to your doctor who will be able to prescribe you a topical solution. If that doesn't work then go back and they'll prescribe you antibiotics, this will work but will kick in slowly. One of the contraceptive pill treatments can be effective.

A chemist will also be able give you treatment over the counter but it won't be as effective as what the doctor will prescribe.

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