Friday, August 20, 2010

What is the best skin treatment system (proactiv, murad...etc.) for acne prone skin?

I have tried a lot of stuff... and I am sick of wasting money on products that don't work. From you personal experience.... what actually WORKS?What is the best skin treatment system (proactiv, murad...etc.) for acne prone skin?
Im 27 and have had acne since I was a teenager. I have tried everything from facials to microdermabrasian to Retin-A to Accutane to Benzoclin to ProActiv. The simplest thing Ive found is a 'folk cure' that my great grandmother told me to do and it's the only thing that has ever worked for me. I've been acne free for the 3 months I've been doing it. I dont even wear make-up out all the time which I havent done since I was little! I wash my face, morning and night, with tea tree oil facial soap and follow up with Bragg's Organic Apple Cider Vinegar as a toner. (you can get both in any health food store) It's best to use the toner only at night for the first few times to see how your skin will react. It will sting a bit (but not uncomfortable) and your face will be a bit red but it normally subsides in a bit. If your skin adapts pretty quickly and the redness goes away quickly, use it in the morning after washing, as well. I have gotten so many compliments on my skin, it's ridiculous. The overall texture improved, pores arent so visible, not so oily....just amazing. And I never had 'good skin.' I wish I had tried this years ago because it would have saved me thousands of dollars. Sometimes the doctors and prescriptions arent always the best cure. Hope you try it and it works for you!What is the best skin treatment system (proactiv, murad...etc.) for acne prone skin?
It depends a lot on the type of acne you have. If it's mainly white and blackheads then u need something with a retinoid in it(such as retin-a, deifferin, targretin etc...). On the other hand if it's more inflammatory with red and white bumps, you will need to add something for the inflammation and bacteria (such as benzoyl peroxide, erythromycin, clindamycine etc..), if it's quite bad consider taking an antibiotic pill. The products come in several formats, gels are better for oily skin and creams for dry skin. The washes are useful and easy to appy also.

Women who get flares with their periods can get relief by using an oral contraceptive, or taking a short course of antibiotics before their period starts.
Murad's Acne Complex鈥?/a> really works if u use it as directed. It is half the price of Proactive...only $20. I started seeing results in 3 days. I've used it for about 2 weeks now and my face is cleared. I didn't believe it would work at first cuz I never heard of it before...but it does. Try it.
o.k.... the best stuff out there is perscription CLIDEGEL and DIFFEREN. this stuff works! The cost is pretty step, but I hardly EVER break out so it is worth it to me.
the clinique skin care for acne works,but if u go to a dermatoligist ask for difrein gel its really good.GOOD LUCK.and stop stressing about it strees hormones casue even more acne
For several years we got Proactiv for my my daughters ... they seemed to be happy with it!
i have been usin acnefree.... AND go to the dermatologist!
If you can see a dermatologist, it's best because you'll get professional advice on your specific acne condition.

If you want to try non-prescription ';systems'; first, I would recommend ProActiv ONLY. (Murad did NOT work for me.) I have also looked carefully at many other ';systems'; on the market. Based on their ingredient lists, they're not even remotely as good as Proactiv.

Proactiv works well because:

1. The cleanser manually exfoliates the skin with its gentle beads without irritating ingredients.

2. The toner is an AHA (glycolic acid in this case) solution that has the right PH range and doesn't contain other irritating ingredients. It further exfoliates the skin. The texture of this solution feels clean and refreshing.

3. The ';repairing lotion'; is a 2.5% benzoyl peroxide solution that is in the right PH range and doesn't contain other irritating ingredients. This ingredient kills the bacteria that causes acne. The texture of Proactiv's lotion is one of the best. It blends easily, stays on well, and is not too think. It seems to work pretty well under makeup, too,

Tip: There are two different strength systems available from Proactiv. It's not common knowledge because they don't advertise it. If the standard Proactiv products don't work very well for you, you can call or email them for the ';Extra Strength Kit';!

Good luck! :)
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