Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I have dry/sensitive/acne prone skin. What is a good skin regimen for my face? Professionals please.?

I have very sensitive skin and so i use cetaphil gentle cleanser. But i need to know what i need to do like morning, sunblock and exfoliater, etc. Night, moisturizer, stuff like that. APPRECIATE IT!I have dry/sensitive/acne prone skin. What is a good skin regimen for my face? Professionals please.?
You need to wash your face gently then use a toner.

You may (on a clean face) exfoliate twice a week - am or pm

its up to you and your face. You should use a day cream -

with an spf and at night a night cream -

I suggest Arbonne - it's wonderful for all skin types most especially sensitive - they have 3 various lines.

Or you can implement their acne line - in to the regime as you need it.

A weekly mask helps too (on a clean face) and not on a day you exfoliate.

Use a toner too - this helps balance skin and remove dirt the wash didn't

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