Monday, August 23, 2010

Teen facials, good or bad for acne-prone skin?

I'm 16 and I have mild, slight acne...a little more severe on my chin. With help from a dermatologist I've been able to get my skin crystal clear...the only spot I still have problems with is on my chin, but my derm said that was hormonal so I'm starting the pill for that. Anyway my dad is paying for me to go get some teen facials done at my favourite spa once a month, I believe the exfoliate etc. etc., and the girls there said they could help keep my skin clear and it is specifically made for acne-prone teen skin...I get my eyebrows waxed, legs, arms, my nails done there, everything and I'm pretty trusting in them. However I heard that teen facials can sometimes argrivate the skin and I wouldn't want that to happen since the skin on my chin is very sensitive.

Has anyone ever had one of these before?Teen facials, good or bad for acne-prone skin?
Teen facials will help your skin flush out their toxins. People mistake facials for just putting a mask on your face which is not the case. If that was it, you wouldn't see the results you do from facials. Part of a facial is massage that helps to flush out your lymph system. This type of massage helps to clear out congestion under the skin and can help with hormonal breakouts by circulating the blood better so you don't have a hormonal build up in areas. It's fine for the esthetician to massage over acne, there are various techniques for acne areas that will actually help your skin purge the acne so it's easier to extract and will help keep your skin clearer.

You hear people say facials irritate the skin because a lot of times the people getting the facials don't properly care for their skin and they buy an occlusive product that they think has rid their face of acne but it's actually pushed it below the surface of the skin. When the esthetician starts getting that lymph system moving the acne under the skin starts coming to the surface. The skin is purging itself of those impurities. If they stick with it they'll have clearer skin than they've ever had but most won't because they'd rather push it back below the skin surface and deal with the damage later. You've done things the right way. You've gone to a dermatologist and gotten your skin cleared up so you shouldn't have this effect.

You do need to follow a good skincare regime at home but since you've already been to a dermatologist I'm assuming they've got you on one that is working for you so you don't need to get a whole new skincare regime just make sure to tell the esthetician what you are using and that it's a doctor prescribed regime so she can work with it. She may have one or two products you can add to it to bump the regime up but if she suggests a whole new skincare system then smile politely and tell her no thanks unless you are truly unhappy with yours. Most estheticians won't try and switch you though.

Also, teen facials usually involve the use of a high frequency machine. This uses electrical impulses to kill bacteria below the skins surface. This is very effective for killing hormonal acne breakouts and keeping your skin perfectly clear. Ask if one of the last steps they do can be some high frequency. It just ensures clearer skin.

Enjoy your spa day! Relaxation also helps with acne and preventing stress hormones from wreaking havoc on your skin so have fun! :)Teen facials, good or bad for acne-prone skin?
Free teen facial here good results i am told Report Abuse

Im so glad i ran across this answer! I was never clear on the facial thing and Im glad to hear it will clear up acne in most cases. Report Abuse

that is good for you Report Abuse

Have your boyfriend shoot some of his juices on your face, it's a better facial, and he'll love you for it. Report Abuse

I'm not so sure about acne, but facials are always good in my book. Report Abuse

wooaahhh! That was a really good explanation. Report Abuse

facials are the bomb Report Abuse

I love teen facials!!!! Report Abuse

i heard its bad kuz its makes ur face age faster with the collagen Report Abuse

Teen facials are not aggravating to the skin. One thing to remember is, get them done every four weeks which equals once a month and follow a home regime. Without the home regime it's pointless getting facials. The esthetician should avoid massaging your chin area since it's sensitive.
its good
girl ur wasting to much money on things you can get in wal mart.

the hair brand Got2B have facial products at kmart and wal mart. They have peel off masks clay and scrubs. they are great also try the pond's micro- dermabriasion (%26lt;---spelling?)

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